Centre for Sexual and Gender Multifariousness


Introduction to Pronouns

Pronouns are the words that nosotros use to refer to a person in identify of their proper name. Pronouns are helpful linguistic tools, just they besides are meaningful tools to communicate identities and experiences.

Example of "he/him" usage: Hashemite kingdom of jordan went to the Brodhead Eye to eat dinner, simply he forgot his DukeCard.

Example of "xe/xem" usage: Maria left xyr backpack and xe has an of import paper in there, can yous go grab it for xem?

Example of "they/them" usage: Jin has a midterm next week, but they haven't begun to study yet – they're then decorated with other piece of work!

Example of "she/hers" usage: Erica is a dynamic speaker! Her presentation to our group left everyone feeling inspired. She really did well!

Example of no pronoun usage: Mateo is hosting function hours tomorrow afternoon, be sure to finish by as Mateo tin can assist with the challenging concepts from concluding week'due south lecture!

There is no exhaustive list of pronouns, but most of us are likely already familiar with a few commonly used ones. Many people employ one or a combination of the following pronouns: he, she, they, xe, ze, and more. Some people do not use whatsoever pronouns and are chosen by their names. Everyone has a way to be referred to – learning someone's pronouns is essential to communicating respectfully with one another.

Pronouns are particularly relevant to transgender and non-binary students, staff, and kinesthesia, who may experience misgendering, that is, the intentional or unintentional incorrect apply of pronouns to refer to them – often in their daily lives.

In society to create a campus environment where all community members can thrive, including LGBTQIA customs members, we must be intentional and proactive most our pronoun usage.

More than pronouns

Pronouns aren't the only language that communicate assumptions nearly gender. Many common phrases used to refer to groups also have gendered implications – such every bit "ladies and gentlemen", "guys", or "boys and girls". These phrases make assumptions about the group you're referring to and enforce a binary that fails to include non-binary people – and can easily exist more inclusive with small-scale changes. Effort using phrases such equally: "guests", "class", "everyone", or "y'all" to refer to groups in a more inclusive way.

A notation on language

Pronouns aid united states communicate our gender identities and expressions, but are also relevant to communicate our cultural, linguistic, and ethnic identities. While this guide primarily discusses pronoun usage in the English language, at that place are many ways gender exists in languages that aren't listed in this guide.

Furthermore, it'south of import to consider how and if gender shows up in various languages. For example, many words in Castilian are grammatically gendered, and as such some take shifted to using an X in the identify of o/a to communicate gender neutrality. Languages like Japanese or Korean practise not utilize gendered pronouns. Languages like Malay or Swahili have no grammatical gender. These examples illustrate the intertwined nature of gender, linguistic communication, pronouns, and cultural identity – an important consideration for educators, peers, and allies looking to create more equitable and inclusive spaces via pronoun usage.

Don't make assumptions

While pronouns communicate something important about our identities and experiences, they are non inherently continued to any gender identity or expression. For case, if you know Jade is a woman, it may not mean that Jade uses she/her pronouns.

You tin't make assumptions well-nigh what pronouns someone uses based on your perceptions of their appearance or gender expression. The but assumption you can make, is that you don't know what pronouns someone uses without them explicitly telling yous. People may take pronouns they apply in unlike spaces. For example, a student may feel safe using some pronouns with their friends and with you, and may use another set up of pronouns in a infinite where they are not out. Always follow up with questions to gain a sense of when and where to use certain pronouns with an individual.

Hearing from our Duke community members

"I came out as a transgender homo in a high school with fewer than 500 students total. Within a few weeks, everyone knew about my new name and pronouns, even people I'd never met earlier. I guess I mistakenly thought the aforementioned would be truthful at Duke.

This semester, I'm in four really fun and interesting classes. Nigh a month ago, there were two incidents inside the same calendar week that proved to me that "coming out" is never really washed. In my ane of my lecture classes, my teacher chosen on me to reply a question, then she explained my answer to the grade. The trouble was that she recounted my answer using the incorrect pronouns, saying "she said this" and "her response shows this." It hadn't occurred to me that, if one of my professors didn't know what pronouns I used, I could be totally ignorant to that until late into a form.

I corrected the teacher after the lecture, but I was still left feeling dysphoric and worried that classmates who hadn't met me would at present fundamentally misunderstand my identity. The exact aforementioned matter happened in a different class that same week. It made me feel inadequate in my masculinity. Information technology made me feel like I had no vox. It made me feel invisible.

I think it's hard in a larger, sometimes more impersonal setting similar a lecture class to be witting of minority students. I specially think that information technology seems impractical to enquire a person's pronouns every time you want to refer to them. However, this puts the responsibleness of non getting misgendered onto the student--in this case, me--which can exist nerve wracking, tiring, and overwhelming. Information technology feels similar I've done something wrong when I get misgendered, which happens several times a day at present, and don't think I'd be able to maintain any sense of cocky-worth if I kept that mentality."

The Importance of Right Pronoun Usage

Transgender and non-binary students face up a variety of challenges in higher education that preclude them from fully thriving. Many transgender people experience peer and familial rejection, which can lead to financial, emotional, or social isolation. On college campuses, many written report challenges accessing wellness services, student programs, or living arrangements that are inclusive of their gender identity and expression. Particularly in the absence of non-discrimination laws or policies, transgender students are particularly at risk of harassment, discrimination, and even violence that can be exacerbated by other components of their identities (e.g. race, ethnicity, ability, organized religion, socioeconomic condition).[i]

Information technology is imperative that we all work to make campus safer and more inclusive for transgender and non-binary members of our community. This includes being respectful and thoughtful about how nosotros use linguistic communication, specifically every bit it relates to pronouns.

Incorrectly referring to someone's identity harms their sense of belonging, feeling of coherence in group settings, and personal identity-development processes.[ii],[iii]  Research suggests that misgendering via incorrect pronoun usage may lead to a manifestation of minority stress that burdens transgender and non-binary individuals with a host of negative physical, mental, and emotional health effects.[4]

Inversely, using the correct pronouns for students, staff, and faculty creates a campus environment that better allows transgender and non-binary people to thrive.[five] Furthermore, some studies link use of the correct proper noun and pronouns to lowered hazard of depressive behavior or suicidal ideation.[vi]

Educational institutions across the country recognize the importance of correct pronoun usage and accept implemented diverse programs, tools, and resource to all-time ensure implementation on campus.[vii] At Duke, nosotros have a responsibleness to do the same and create a productive, affirming, and safe learning environment for all members of our community.

"Only having the choice to [have pronouns on a student roster] makes me feel like I tin exist here," says Robles, a graduate student at the University of Vermont whose pronouns are they/them. If in that location was a fearfulness that a professor might employ the wrong pronouns, Robles says, "I [wouldn't] be able to fully be nowadays."[eight]

Sharing your pronouns and making an endeavour to use others' correctly communicates values of respect and inclusion. Making a mistake may be a natural office of this process, simply information technology should not exist used every bit justification to avoid the attempt. If you lot make a mistake or apply the wrong pronoun, rapidly repent and move on. While your intentions may exist in the right place, a prolonged apology may depict more unwanted attention to the mistake and may put the person who has been harmed in the position to make you lot feel improve.

Learning new linguistic communication creates neural pathways in our brains, so using language in a new way tin can feel challenging to start. The best way to combat this is to practise. Don't look until you come across someone who uses pronouns with which you are unfamiliar to start practicing – start now and you'll exist ameliorate prepared.

In the rest of this guide, yous'll find recommendations, tools, and tips to implement in order to encourage and normalize sharing and respect of pronouns in your classes, labs, activities, and communities.

[i]. Beemyn, B., Curtis, B., Davis, 1000., Tubbs, Due north.J. (2005). Transgender problems on college campuses. New Directions for Educatee Services, 111, 49-60.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/ss.173
[ii]. Bosson, J. K., Weaver, J. R., & Prewitt-Freilino, J. Fifty. (2012). Concealing to belong, revealing to be known: Classification expectations and self-threats among persons with concealable stigmas. Self and Identity, 11, 114–135. doi:10.1080/15298868.2010.513508
[iii]. Burke, P. J., & Stets, J. E. (1999). Trust and commitment through cocky-verification. Social Psychology Quarterly, 62, 347–366. doi:10.2307/2695833
[iv]. McLemore, K. (2014). Experiences with misgendering: identity misclassification of transgender spectrum individuals. Cocky and Identity, 14(1), 1-24.
doi: 10.1080/15298868.2014.950691
[v]. Seelman, Kristie Fifty. 2014. "Recommendations of Transgender Students, Staff, and Faculty in the USA for Improving College Campuses." Gender and Educational activity 26(six),618–35.
[six]. Russell, Due south., Pollitt, A., Li, M., Grossman, A. (2018). Chosen proper name use is linked to reduced depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, and suicidial behavior amidst transgender youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 63, 503-505.
doi: https://doi.org/x.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.02.003
[7]. Yarmosky, J. (2019, March 21). 'I Tin Exist Hither': On Gender Identity, Some Colleges Are Opening Up. Retrieved from https://world wide web.npr.org/2019/03/21/693953037/i-can-be-hither-on-gender-identity-some-colleges-are-opening-up.
[eight]. Ibid.


If this is new to you, sharing your pronouns and asking for others' may experience unnatural to starting time– but remember that we all take pronouns and have likely just been relying on misinformation about others'. This small change in how y'all innovate yourself and become to know others has a massive touch on the values of inclusion and respect that you can communicate in your everyday interactions.

  1. Understand the relevance of pronouns.
    Equally previously mentioned, pronouns are more than a linguistic tool – they communicate very personal and salient parts of our identities, cultures, genders, and experiences.
  2. Incorporate your pronouns into your daily life
    You can establish a respectful and inclusive learning environment through modeling advisable pronoun usage. If it is safe for yous to do and so, consider sharing data about your pronouns:
    • When you innovate yourself: "Hullo, my name is Professor X and I use she/her pronouns. I teach statistics at Duke!"
    • Add your pronouns next to your name in Zoom
    • In your email signature:
      • Proper noun
      • Pronouns: She/Her/Hers & They/Them/Theirs (Why Pronouns Affair)
      • Title
      • Establishment
      • Contact data
    • On your office door or nameplate
    • On your badge or lanyard at conferences and events
    • On your business menu, C.V., and/or resume
    • In your social media biographies and profiles
    • Tip: If you lot're unsure, use a person's proper name ("PJ will present tomorrow." or "PJ's assignment was exactly what I was looking for." instead of "She will nowadays tomorrow." or "Her consignment was exactly what I was looking for.") Use gender neutral linguistic communication when referring to students in your class until you can acquire the correct pronouns. Note that this isn't a long-term solution, but it'southward a good exercise until you tin can establish a framework that allows y'all to cheque in with everyone nigh their pronouns.

Hearing from our Duke community members

"Pronouns in the classroom take been a nightmare for me – particularly at the beginning of the semester. When the professor asks for everyone to get effectually and innovate ourselves, they most never mention pronouns. It'southward usually name and year and perchance an icebreaker, if the professor is extra fun.

But not pronouns. It's a major source of anxiety for me. Sharing my pronouns is my chance to define myself, to assert non simply my identity, but my humanity. Yes, information technology is that important to me.

I can't accept for granted the privilege of existence pronoun-ed correctly; it is often something I need to fight for. And it just takes ane person in the grade, professor included, to mis-pronoun me and thus deny what is mine, what I am. It is humiliating. Information technology is hurtful.

And nigh of all, I accept no recourse. Do I finish the class and right people in the moment, braving the pitying and judging stares? Do I confront the person in private and risk directly transphobia?

The answer is: I shouldn't have been put in this position in the first place. Please, ask for pronouns when doing introductions. Share your own. Brand sure to give a brief explanation of what they are, and how using them is a way of respecting others. I will feel that much safer because of it."


  1. Communicate expectations virtually sharing pronouns

    Part of modeling inclusive pronoun usage is encouraging other people to share theirs. Inform others that the cosmos of an inclusive and respectful learning environment includes referring to others by their correct pronouns and names. Y'all may likewise proactively elect to share examples of how to reply when a student or colleague is misgendered. Here are some tips about where to include guidance nearly pronouns in gild to foster an surroundings in which correct pronouns are used:

    • Add linguistic communication well-nigh the importance of pronouns in your materials, such as grade syllabi or group bylaws.
    • Communicate the importance of sharing and respecting pronouns on the start 24-hour interval of class
    • Remove gendered linguistic communication from your prompts and examples in the classroom (e.k. no "he/she", "his/her" - utilize "they/them").
    • Retrieve, it is not suggested that y'all force students to share their pronouns in grouping settings as it may have unintended consequences. The presence of a grouping of peers may create undue pressure level on a educatee who may not be prepare to share their pronouns or is questioning them. For example, a student who is exploring their gender identity may non exist able to share which pronouns to use and may feel a lot of undue stress if forced to do so. Furthermore, a student that uses a certain pronoun may not exist "out" to their classmates yet – in forcing that pupil to share, you require them to either incorrectly gender themselves or share information that they're not gear up to share. When y'all innovate yourself with your pronouns and ask others to share, please note that they should only share if they are able and safe to do and then.
    • Another note: someone sharing their pronouns with you may be information shared in confidence. Not all students are "out" to everyone about the pronouns they use, so e'er exist sure to ask about the contexts in which it is appropriate for you to use that pronoun for them. Do they want you lot to correct others who don't utilise it? Is it okay to talk to other students using that pronoun? Is it okay to send emails with that pronoun in it?

Hearing from our Knuckles community members

"In the first week of my seminar grade, my professor passed effectually a card for us to write our basic information on: proper noun, prospective major, interests, writing experience, etc. Virtually importantly, she asked for our pronouns. I put down he/him pronouns and introduced myself with the same pronouns verbally. I noticed in the course later that week that she would reply to my classmates with phrases like, "yes, sir?", and "thanks, ma'am," only she wouldn't practise that for me. Subsequently course that day, she had me stay after, and she asked me whether I would be comfortable existence referred to with i of those phrases, and if so, which one. I responded that, aye, "sir" would be fine, and nosotros moved on. She didn't brand it a big deal, and she treats me the same equally all my other classmates now.

Those few minutes didn't take up a lot of my day, but it made my life so much easier because it meant I didn't accept to correct her in the eye of a lesson or ask her after course. It felt like she had used her power to handle a responsibility that I would otherwise have had to summon upwardly the courage and energy to confront myself. Of course, I think this is easier in smaller classes and more than personal settings, but I think it'southward even so helpful to keep in listen when y'all come across new students."

  1. Across pronouns: more means to back up transgender and non-binary people on campus

    Being respectful and thoughtful with your language is an important part of creating an inclusive campus for transgender and non-binary students. However, it should non be the merely way you lot show your support. True allyship requires consistent action on campus, at dwelling house, and in your broader community.

    Connect with the Heart for Sexual and Gender Diversity or other educational resource to continue learning the best ways to support transgender and non-binary people on campus. Appoint with other social justice centers and leaders on campus – equity for transgender people is intricately tied to the advocacy of anti-racism, gender justice, accessibility, and more. Recognize that social justice work is also well-nigh personal work: confront your own biases, cognition gaps, and discomforts.

Every person on campus – students, staff, faculty, alumni, fans, coaches, and families – is an educator. Every bit such, every person has a responsibility to create a supportive surround that is conducive to education. We all have the power to brand change inside ourselves and in turn, on Duke's campus, that supports the various body of people affiliated with Duke. Changing the way we recollect about and use pronouns is a great style to exercise this work, but it is by no means the stop line.

Pronoun Conjugation Nautical chart

Subject field




Instance Sentence






She went to the movies with her friend who loves to hang out with her. The movie pick was hers. She enjoyed herself.






He went to the movies with his friend who loves to hang out with him. The movie pick was his. He enjoyed himself.






They went to the movies with their friend who loves to hang out with them. The movie pick was theirs. They enjoyed themself.

ze with zir

(pronounced "zee" and "zeer")





Ze went to the movies with zir friend who loves to hang out with zir. The motion picture pick was zirs. Ze enjoyed zirself.

ze with hir

(pronounced "zee" and "heer")





Ze went to the movies with hir friend who loves to hang out with hir. The movie selection was hirs. Ze enjoyed hirself.


(pronounced "ze")





Xe went to the movies with xyr friend who loves to hang out with xem. The film pick was xyrs. Xe enjoyed xyrself.


(pronounced "ay")





Ey went to the movies with eir friend who loves to hang out with em. The movie option was eirs. Ey enjoyed emself.

Person does non utilize pronouns. (instance name: Mary)




Mary'south cocky

Mary went to the movies with Mary's friend who loves to hang out with Mary. The pic pick was Mary'southward. Mary enjoyed Mary's self.

(tip: try saying these aloud! information technology will aid you get used to speaking them as well as writing them)

one. Fill in with ze/zir pronouns!

I went with _______ to pick blueberries, because _____ said they were in season, but non for much longer. ______ drove both of usa in ______ machine, and I used Google Maps to become u.s. there, considering _______ can be a little directionally challenged. When we got in that location, I paid for _____ and myself and we picked blueberries for almost two hours. We kept eating them equally nosotros were picking them, though—_______ had juice all over _______by the time nosotros left.

two. Make full in with they/them pronouns!

When _____ called me most where I was going to spend fall break, I said that I didn't know yet. _____ asked if I wanted to go on a route trip with _______ and a few of our common friends. I said it sounded great, and asked _______ what I should pack, since I didn't take a suitcase with me. _______ offered me one of ________ to borrow, and I accepted.

3. Make full in with xe/xyr pronouns!

_______ chosen me after a long 24-hour interval at piece of work and said that ______ had made a spectacle of _______ in a staff meeting. I reassured ______, and so offered to come up over and bring ______ some of _______ favorite chocolate treats to unwind. We watched a stupid romantic comedy that was a favorite of _______ and by the end of it, ________ was feeling much better about the day.

four. Fill in with ey/em pronouns!

______ is the star in a new musical opening next week at the community theater, and I'm very excited to get and see ______ perform! _____ has been acting since age v, and _____ talents have grown considerably over the years. When ______ outset started performing, ______ got the part of "Tree #iii," but at present in this new production _____ has a number all to ______, with a cute costume that fits _______ perfectly.

1. I went with zir to option blueberries, because ze said they were in season, but not for much longer. Ze drove both of us in zir car, and I used Google Maps to get u.s. at that place, considering ze tin exist a little directionally challenged. When nosotros got at that place, I paid for zir and myself and we picked blueberries for almost two hours. Nosotros kept eating them as we were picking them, though—ze had juice all over zirself by the fourth dimension nosotros left.

2. When they called me about where I was going to spend autumn break, I said that I didn't know yet. They asked if I wanted to become on a road trip with themself and a few of our mutual friends. I said information technology sounded not bad, and asked them what I should pack, since I didn't have a suitcase with me. They offered me i of theirs to borrow, and I accepted.

3. Xe called me afterwards a long day at work and said that xe had made a spectacle of xyrself in a staff meeting. I reassured xem, and and so offered to come over and bring xem some of xyr favorite chocolate treats to unwind. We watched a stupid romantic comedy that was a favorite of xyrs and by the finish of it, xe was feeling much meliorate nearly the 24-hour interval.

iv. Ey is the star in a new musical opening next week at the community theater, and I'm very excited to go and come across em perform! Ey has been acting since age 5, and eir talents have grown considerably over the years. When ey first started performing, ey got the role of "Tree #3," but at present in this new production ey has a number all to emself, with a beautiful costume that fits em perfectly.